badminton coach arrested for having sex with minor

badminton coach arrested for having sex with minor

Chen entering the State Courts on 27 June. (PHOTO: Abdul Rahman Azhari/Yahoo News Singapore)

Chen inbound the State Courts on 27 June. (PHOTO: Abdul Rahman Azhari/Yahoo News Singapore)

Towards the end of 2013, sometime national badminton thespian Ashton Chen Yongzhao, 28, created a Facebook account to pose equally a girl on the social networking site.

Using this fake identity, he began chatting with a 13-year-one-time schoolgirl about her sexual experiences. Chen, then 24, later cooked up a ruse to meet the teenager in person, during which he had her perform oral sex on him.

On at to the lowest degree two other occasions, he also had paid sex with the daughter – whose family was in financial straits at the fourth dimension.

Chen was sentenced in the State Courts on Tuesday (iii July) to 28 months' jail after having pleaded guilty to 2 counts of sexually penetrating a pocket-sized under the historic period of 16 and one count of sexually penetrating a pocket-size nether the historic period of 14. Three charges of a similar nature were taken into consideration for his sentencing.

Addressing the courtroom, Chen apologised to his family members and his fiancee, acknowledging that they have stood behind him through "hard times".

"I assure the court that I volition not commit or echo such mistakes. I will exist a better person for society and for my family," said the bespectacled man, who was dressed in a white long-sleeved t-shirt and pants.

Commune Judge Hamidah Ibrahim described Chen'southward method of getting to know the girl every bit "predatory", adding that it was premeditated and deceptive. Noting the xi-year historic period gap between Chen and the victim, the judge added that the courtroom could non treat him as a youthful offender.

"You were 24 years former, you finished polytechnic, national service… You are a national player, I cannot treat you as a youthful offender," she said. Yet, Chen'south early on plea of guilt was a "significant mitigating factor", said Hamidah.

'Predatory' behaviour

According to court documents, Chen created a Facebook account in late 2013 with the username "Qing Hong" to chat with girls well-nigh their sexual experiences.

He posed equally a female person and so that the girls he chatted with would be more than open in their conversations. Past July last year, Chen had accumulated about 500 friends on his new Facebook account.

Along the way, Chen chanced upon the victim's Facebook profile. The two began chatting and the girl told Chen that she was a Secondary 1 educatee.

Out of all the girls he had chatted with, Chen plant the girl to be near responsive to his chat topics about sexual activity. During their chats, the girl had told Chen that she had hugged and kissed her then-boyfriend.

After chatting with the girl for about a week, Chen decided to meet her in person. In order to do so, he used his "Qing Hong" persona to introduce the victim to "Sotong", a man who was supposedly interested in her.

The daughter so began chatting online with "Sotong", who was actually Chen himself using a different Facebook account.

"Sotong" and the girl met for the first time in early 2014 at the void deck of a HDB block in Tampines. The pair chatted most the girl's sexual experiences earlier Chen asked if she would be willing to perform oral sexual practice on him. The girl, who was 13 at the time, agreed and the duo proceeded to a staircase landing for the act.

Every bit "Qing Hong", Chen then asked the girl about her meeting with "Sotong" and she told him that she had not enjoyed the come across. "Qing Hong" and the daughter eventually stopped chatting with each other.

On 29 April 2015, Chen resumed chatting with the girl as "Qing Hong". Upon learning that girl had slept with her boyfriend, "Qing Hong" asked the victim if she would be willing to have sex with a "friend" but the girl said she wished to remain loyal to her boyfriend.

Sometime betwixt end-2015 and early-2016, however, the victim told "Qing Hong" that she was willing to run across the "friend" – who was, in fact, Chen – if he could assistance her out financially.

Chen then contacted the girl over WhatsApp to offer the girl $lxxx for a sexual encounter. She accepted the offer equally her family was facing financial difficulties and she did not desire to take coin from them.

Between stop 2015 and early on 2016, the two met at night at a multi-storey carpark at Simei, where Chen paid the girl – who was then 14 – and the pair had protected sex.

The two met on another ii occasions around mid-2016 for sex in a mall'southward nursing room and at another Simei staircase landing. The girl was 15 years old at the time. While it is unclear whether the nursing room encounter involved money, Chen paid the girl for sex at the stair example landing in July 2016.

Chen and the girl stopped communicating with one another soon after their last see.

On 10 April concluding year, a police study was made after an investigation officer attached to the Specialised Crime Branch of the Criminal Investigation Department received some information regarding the girl engaging in paid sex. Chen's offences came to calorie-free after.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Sruthi Boppana sought a sentence of 33 months for Chen citing the degree of premeditation he had shown in setting upwards a Facebook account and pretending to exist female.

Chen'southward lawyer Terence Seah said that his client was remorseful and a contributing fellow member of social club.

Chen represented Singapore in numerous international competitions as part of the National Badminton Team from 2000 to 2014.

He participated in the Commonwealth Games in 2010 and the S-due east Asian Games in 2011. Chen retired from the National Badminton Team in 2014 and began coaching secondary schools.

For sexual penetration of a person under 14, Chen could have been jailed up to 20 years and fined or caned. For sexual penetration of a person nether 16, Chen could accept been jailed 10 years and fined and/or caned.

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badminton coach arrested for having sex with minor

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