what are the dimensions of a badminton court

what are the dimensions of a badminton court

A court specifically made for badminton may sound like a strange concept, peculiarly to those who may have been exposed to badminton through multi-purpose gyms or just through coincidental backyard play. Let'due south take a look at what the dimensions are for a standard badminton courtroom, and how that cognition may be used to make wise decisions on court.

The dimensions of a badminton court are 20 ft x 44 ft (half dozen.i m x xiii.4 k), an area of 880 ft2 (81.75 kii). The diagonal length of the full court is 48.xxx ft (14.72 m).

Both singles and doubles are played on the aforementioned standard courtroom. The difference is that badminton singles is played without the side or doubles alleys that extend 1 ft 6 in (0.46 m) on either side of the court.

As such, the boundaries of the singles courtroom is played on a 17 ft x 44 ft (5.eighteen thou ten 13.4 grand) court infinite, an area of 748 ftii (69.49 10002). Each of the lines fatigued on a standard badminton court have a thickness of 1.57 in (40 mm).

Badminton Court with Dimensions (Metric and Imperial)
Figure 1: Badminton court dimensions in meters and feet
Badminton Court with Dimensions (Metric and Imperial)
Figure two: Badminton court dimensions in meters and feet
Category Length Width Expanse
Singles Courtroom Infinite 44 ft (13.41 g) 17 ft (5.eighteen m) 748 ft2 (69.49 m2)
Singles Court Space (per end) 22 ft (vi.71 thou) 17 ft (5.18 thousand) 374 fttwo (34.75 m2)`
Singles Service Surface area 15.5 ft (4.72 m) 8.5 ft (2.59 m) 131.75 ft2 (12.24 m2)
Singles Court Diagonal 47.17 ft (14.38 m) N/A North/A
Doubles Courtroom Space 44 ft (13.41 chiliad) twenty ft (6.1 m) 880 fttwo (81.75 mtwo)
Doubles Court Infinite (per end) 22 ft (6.71 m) 20 ft (6.ane grand) 440 ft2 (xl.88 mii)
Doubles Service Area 13 ft (3.96 1000) 10 ft (three.05 thousand) 130 ft2 (12.08 m2)
Doubles Court Diagonal 48.33 ft (14.73 grand) North/A N/A
Badminton Singles and Doubles Courtroom Dimensions

For comparing, your standard lawn tennis court is 36 ft x 78 ft (ten.97 m x 23.77 m), an area of 2808 ft2 (260.87 one thousand2), a whopping 219% larger than the standard badminton court! While the overall courtroom size may seem insufficiently much smaller, there are many aspects of badminton that make it electrifying! Shockingly, professional person players may actually run twice as much in badminton vs. lawn tennis! Check out our post detailing the similarities and major differences between tennis and badminton.

Badminton Courtroom Dimensions in Meters

Badminton Court with Dimensions (Metric)
Effigy 3: Badminton court dimensions in meters.
Badminton Court with Dimensions (Metric)
Figure 4: Badminton court dimensions in meters.

Badminton Court Dimensions in Feet

Badminton Court with Dimensions (U.S. customary units) - Vertical
Figure v: Badminton court dimensions in anxiety.
Badminton Court with Dimensions (U.S. customary units) - Horizontal
Effigy 6: Badminton court dimensions in feet.

What are the Differences in Size Betwixt a Singles Court and a Doubles Court?

While the same standard court is used for singles and doubles matches, the singles court is played in a smaller court space, which makes perfect sense because the entirety of the singles court needs to exist covered by a single player! In doubles, the unabridged standard badminton court is played on, as at that place are ii players per side that will share the responsibility of roofing the court. Badminton is a flake of a peculiar sport since the service area is different depending on whether you are playing doubles or singles – this may come up as a surprise to tennis players who feel no deviation serving in doubles or singles matches. Let's check out the central differences between the singles and doubles court!

While the total expanse is non substantial, the elongated service expanse for a singles serve gives players the ability to hit a deep serve, forcing their opponents to the far end of the courtroom to start the rally off. Pushing your opponent away from the heart of the court puts them at a less advantageous position as they would need to cover more court space after returning the serve and decreases the options of where the shuttle will be returned to. The main disadvantage of hit a deep serve in a singles lucifer is that it gives your opponent plenty time to get behind the shuttle to cull their ideal response and execute a clean shot.

In a singles friction match, the dimensions of the court is 17 ft x 44 ft (v.18 m x 13.4 m) with a total area of 748 ft2 (34.75 m2), refer to Figure 2.1 below for a visual. This means that each player competing in a singles match will have to cover 374 ft2 (34.75 10002). The service area for a singles courtroom is bounded by the curt service line, the singles sideline, dorsum purlieus (also known equally the singles service line) and the center line. The singles service surface area is 131.75 ft2 (12.24 g2), see Figure ii.ii, which is but slightly larger than the doubles service area!

In a doubles match, as we mentioned higher up, the entirety of your standard badminton court is considered the play surface area (refer to Effigy 3.1). The singles court is appended with an area commonly known as the alley, or doubles alley. The doubles alley adds an extra one ft six in (0.46 k) on both sides of the court. With a full surface area of 440 ftii (forty.88 thousandtwo), a pair of players will need to cover an boosted area of 33 ft2 (3.07 k2) than that of a singles histrion.

The well-nigh notable deviation between singles and doubles is in the service area. In doubles, the alley is fair game for serving, which unlocks a greater spectrum of angles to serve at. Interestingly, the doubles service surface area is smaller than that of the singles service surface area by 1.75 ft2 (0.xvi 1000two) or i.3%. Per Effigy 3.2, you may notice that the doubles long service line is more shallow than the singles long service line. As such, information technology may not be wise to execute a high deep serve, as your opponent has to cover less altitude to go behind the shuttle to execute a returning smash. With the boundaries on the doubles service area, you lot should take annotation that players often opt for a short, backhand serve instead.

Badminton singles court space.
Effigy 3.1: Doubles badminton courtroom infinite.
Badminton doubles service space.
Effigy three.1: Badminton doubles service area.

While the area of a singles serve is just slightly larger than that for a doubles serve, the total play area of a doubles court subsequently a serve is 17.half-dozen% larger than the singles court! To be fair, a doubles court is shared by 2 players. If we were to dissever the total doubles court space shared between a partner pair of 440 ft2 (forty.88 m2) in half, each role player would exist responsible for covering their share of a 220 ft2 (20.44 k2). Comparing to the court that a singles actor needs to encompass (374ftii or 34.75 m2), a singles histrion really needs to embrace 70% more than court space than a doubles player needs to!

How Can I Apply the Dimensions of the Court to My Reward?

Winning at badminton is equal office skill, tactic and strategy. Then, how practise you lot use your noesis of the court's dimensions to your advantage? By nature, a singles player will need to comprehend the entirety of the court during their match. One strategy to employ in singles is to deplete your opponent's energy past moving them around the court. What better way to practice so than to force your opponent to run the maximum distance of the singles court? As players will run the shortest altitude to recall a shuttle, they will run in a straight line. In a rectangular court, the longest altitude will exist the diagonal formed betwixt contrary corners. This diagonal is a full altitude of 27.three ft (eight.32 m). Trust me, running this distance over and over tin become tiring very quickly. This concept of longest distance does not necessarily exist within a doubles game as the positioning with your partner essentially halves the total area of the court needed to be covered.

In a doubles match, the courtroom dimensions that players can take most advantage of is the width of the courtroom. Peculiarly with the buffer in the doubles aisle, players tin use it immediately off a serve. Serving to the outer border of the brusque service and doubles side line can exist a great fashion to pull the serve returner away from the eye line. A rule of thumb in badminton is drawing players away from the center of the court usually making the court bigger for your opponent(s), whether by themselves or by their partner.

A similar shot that tin exist utilized in a doubles friction match is a quick moving picture serve to where the doubles long service line intersects with the doubles sideline. To retrieve this shot, the serve returner must react rapidly and exist drawn to the dorsum corner, while simultaneously forcing a quick rotation for their partner. While this shot should not be abused – as the length of a doubles serve is limited by the long service line for doubles – it tin can exist used to punish opponents who tend to hover over the brusk service line during the serve return.

Doubles alley service.
Effigy 5: In doubles, players tin serve to the edge of the doubles alley.

What are the Dimensions of a Badminton Net?

As with any other official sport, there are specific criteria for each structure or equipment that is located on the court. The badminton net is no exception. Here's the dimensions of a badminton internet according to the Laws of Badminton maintained past the Badminton World Federation (BWF).

A badminton net is 20 ft long and 2.5 feet tall (half dozen.one m x 0.76 m). The white record at the top of a badminton net is 3 in (75 mm) thick and covers the cyberspace'south cable. The net is attached to two posts that are v.09 ft (1.55 m) alpine which sit down on the doubles side lines. The posts may non extend into the badminton court across the thickness of the side lines (1.57 in or 40mm). The cyberspace must be stretched taut, and so as not to take any infinite between the end of the net and the posts they are fastened to.

What is the Height of a Badminton Net?

A badminton cyberspace is 2.v anxiety alpine simply should exist placed at 5.09 anxiety (1.55 meters) in height.

Are All Badminton Courts the Same Size?

All official badminton courts must be the same size. If they were non the same size, it would be very problematic and unfair.

Furthermore, the net should split the court into 2 equal courts for the players, otherwise players would have to comprehend dissimilar amounts of surface area, which would also exist unfair.

Have the Dimensions of a Badminton Court Always Been the Same?

While the length of a badminton courtroom has supposedly remained the same since the original set of rules from 1890 at 44 ft (xiii.41 m), the width has seen some alter! However, in the late 19th century, the actual badminton courtroom took on an hourglass shape instead of its modern 24-hour interval rectangular shape. While the width of the dorsum boundary line has also stayed consistent since the 19th century rules at 20 ft (6.1m), the width at the net was only 16 ft (4.88 g), refer to Figure half dozen.0 for a representation of the hourglass badminton court. With this shape, the hourglass badminton court was half dozen% smaller than the current day standard badminton court. Observe out other intriguing facts about badminton's history, such equally its transformation from a child'due south game to the fastest noise sport in the world through our post: What's the Origin of Badminton? A Surprising History.

Hourglass badminton court - vertical view.
Figure 6.0: Hourglass badminton court.

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what are the dimensions of a badminton court

Posted by: rieshartur.blogspot.com

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